
Misson Trip Opportunity!!!!

Go then....

“Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you, and behold I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Matt. 28:19-20
Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 11.07.17 PMAs most of you know, my husband and I volunteer with an incredibly God-centered, orphan-focused, long-term child advocacy ministry called Children’s HopeChest. We have first started a ministry in 5 focus areas to the town of Hosanna, Ethiopia. The 5 focus areas being... Street Women, Pastors, Police Department, Prison Ministry and of course our children. We found ourselves with 300 children and after many of Gods leadings and promptings, we decided to partner with HopeChest &  native staff to use the tools God has given to support & disciple a specific community called Hosanna in Ethiopia. We since added another 200 children in the same area  through Hopechest. We are committed to building relationships with these now 500 kids through sponsorship, prayer, regular mission trips (Enough involvement for them to know they are not alone… but not so much they fail to recognize their own God-given potential to thrive & succeed apart from assistance.)
In October 2015, a new team is set to visit the children with a new team leaders. Debbie Erickson and Christine Uhlich, though this is their first official time leading the trip by herself, Debbie has been heavily involved in helping lead our past trip and as been to Ethiopia twice now. She had the logistical knowledge she needs, but even more important she has a passionate heart that seeks no glory for herself, but only to be a conduit for Jesus’ love. She leads well, friends. Christine Uhlich is Co-leading and is a Pastor and has led trips to other parts of the world. She is an amazing leader and has a heart for mentorship. This will be her first time to Ethiopia and I am excited she gets to see it first hand as she has been involved in helping our teams get ready in the past.
Will you consider joining the Hosanna, ET. 2015 Team Trip? Below are lots of details, but don’t let the details be the determining factor. Let the Lord lead you to know if this is your time to set aside and GO BE the Gospel to the ends of the earth!

Debbie Erickson doing what she does best...
 Bringing joy & hope to children and women everywhere!
Hosanna Mission Trip on behalf of Children’s HopeChest 
Dates & Location: October 2-13, Hosanna, Ethiopia
Cost: *$2600 Estimated Total Air & Land Costs
Trip Leader: Debbie Erickson, HopeChest Sponsor & Volunteer
Co-leader- Christine Uhlich- Former Hosanna! Church Staff, Pastor and Trip Leader to other countries. 
Purpose: To be living representatives of Christ’s love. To hand-deliver the Hope of a Father who has not forgotten the women, children and leaders of Ethiopia. To assist in empowering the women and children at-risk through true encouragement, serving any way we can, and fostering their independence that leads to long-term growth & development.
To spend time with the Children of the Carepoint and Women of the Daname Training Center, as well as our 80 women who are in Bible Training and classes. They will be doing a retreat to connect, bond with and encourage each women where they are at. To provide for them a vision for the future and to help; them also gain independence in raising their families and earning income, and sharing the Love of Christ they have received to others. 
Who: We firmly believe that people need the opportunity to see and experience the impact of child sponsorship, as well as the opportunity to be the hands-on love of Christ to children who have been marginalized or forgotten by their own society. Wherever you are in you journey know that you can be used and may the person God wants to use in anyone of the areas we work in. We are working in a wide range of areas and you will come away with a more centered idea of who you are and what gifts God has blessed you with. 
Itinerary:  At the beginning of the trip in the Capitol City of Ethiopia,  Adis we break up into teams with male translators from the church and spend time with the sick women with HIV in their homes.  We bring them at least a month’s worth of food & supplies.  Most of the days in Hosanna, (3 hours south of Adis) are spent simply being with and playing with the kids, doing a craft and relevant Bible lessons.  Also spending time with the women doing skits and spending time in prayer and speaking into their lives. There may be an opportunity to go into the women's prision, and do some speaking and encouraging in the churches. The days are long, and hard work, but absolutely worth it. There will also be opportunities for some shopping.
Second payment  (8 weeks out – Aug. 1st)            
Final Trip Payment is due (4 weeks out  Sept. 1)
Accommodations: You will stay in a hotel in Hosanna and in a safe, clean Guest House in Addis Ababa. At all times you will have a HopeChest staff person (guide &  translator)  with you once your plane lands.
Medical: To have the most benefit, see a health-care provider at least 4-6 weeks before your trip. We follow the Center for Disease Control guidelines for vaccination recommendations.
Passport: Please verify when you apply that your passport is current AND has at least FOUR blank pages and does not expire within the last 6 months. 
Need an application? Have questions? Comment here or Contact DLBErickson@charter.net

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