
Dear Sponsors,

Here is a recent picture of the Children from our newest Care point receiving their school supplies, and their months supply of food for them and their family! For most of the children this is the first time they have been able to go to school. Without your sponsorship they may not have gotten the chance. To see the looks on their faces in these pictures is priceless!!! I love it!!! They start their school year in a few weeks and they are all ready with school uniforms, books and writing material. This brings such a sense of worth and pride to these children... it's life changing.

What a summer we have had, this time of year for our team is always busy as a trip is soon upon us. It is such a sweet thing to know that the community of Hosanna anticipates our coming and rejoices with us in the constant movement of what God is doing.

With the new Carepoint opening, and our second Carepoint going into it's 3rd year, there is much happening and much to be excited about. Not only are we seeing the growth and change in these children, but also in our other ministries in Hosanna, so much movement is happening.

With the growth new things arise often and we need so much more then ever, your prayers as we seek God in these things. Remember you are a part of something bigger then just a sponsorship.


1. Our desire for these children is to grow in the knowledge of who they are in Christ, themselves and to reach full sufficiency as we provide the footstool for them... they will reach a place where they are well equipped for the Kingdom before them.

2. Our plan is to create disciples in all areas of need in the community. This started with a relationship, building trust, and helping them do for themselves what they could not do and give them a sense of self worth and pride.

3. We are stepping into our final goal and ultimate reason for what we felt called here to do. DISCIPLESHIP! All the areas of outreach, relationship building and "locking arms" with people as we journey this life together are bringing us to what Jesus called us all to do and what He came to model. To teach others to disciple so they can go and do the same. Can you imagine this? Our children, our Women once working the streets, those incased in prison, our leaders and Pastors all being taught what their worth is and what their purpose is. To be like Jesus.

This is where you come in. We need an army of prayer warriors. These next steps are big. of course not so for our Lord. So join with us in believing we will see God fulfill what He has so clearly shown us and has led us to.

Would like to send a Christmas Card to your Sponsored Child? How special it would be  for your sponosred child to recieve a real Christimas Card!!

January 10th is when Ethiopia Celebrates their Christmas. So we are asking letters to be in by the end of October. 

Where do I send my letters?

For handwritten letters, please mail to the Hopechest U.S. office:
Children’s HopeChest
P.O. Box 63842
Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3842

Please indicate if you are from Emmanuel-Hosanna Carepoint or Hosanna Carepoint along with your childs name and number! If you are unsure of what Carepoint or if you need your childs number please contact me.  hosannatohosanna@gmail.com  (Marybeth Rolfe)

Remember to pray for the team that is leaving the 1st week of October. They have a lot of work to do ahead of them! Pray for Gods voice as they plan what specifically He wants to do in the time they are there. Follow the blog and Facebook to follow the teams updates on their trip. I will be updating frequently on both.

Much love in Christ,
Marybeth Rolfe

Remember to like us on Facebook and get more frequent updates and pictures their as well as our blog. 

BLOG!!!! Fromhosannatohosannablog.blogspot.com
 Or go to your Hopechest page
Emmanuel  http://emmanuel.hopechest.org/sponsor/
Hosanna  http://hosanna.hopechest.org


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