
New Years Post

It's been almost a month now that I have been back. It is always interesting to go to Ethiopia every November and come home for the rush of the Holidays. It's like a new world every time I come back. I find myself sitting back at Christmas concerts and watching people shop while my world seems to  stand still in a peaceful state and in a different awe and wonder.

 I am always learning to balance this all, a fast growing ministry that is so close and dear to my heart with having a busy family of 7. I think I feel fortunate to be able to keep the unimportant things at a halt and still usher in the Joy of what Life/Christmas is.... simple... Jesus. Because after walking in the goodness and fulfillment of His promises, perspectives are just different. Seeing the lives of those who live in a constant state of need, keeps life real for me. We have no idea. It keeps me desiring what is real and not looking at life through the eyes of others but through His eyes.

I have to be honest here. Living life and raising kids in America for me if far harder then it would be for me to on the field. Going back and forth and having my heart torn every time. It makes me feel displaced here or there.

This all comes with a holding back for me, my heart sits at bay and I have the familiar ache that if I let it, it will go array very quickly.

Now that Christmas is over and I was able to spend the much needed time with my family. I am now diving back into the fast moving hand of Gods work in Ethiopia. This is where my heart can't hold back much longer.

Now for the next 9 months instead of holding ones face in my hands, I sit behind a computer and communicate to those I love and adore from across the globe.  Instead of sitting and listening to the children sing and dance I wait eagerly for an e-mail to update me or a picture to appease my longing. Instead of waking up eagerly expecting what God will do in an unplanned day, I rush off to the next scheduled activity or drive my sweet kids to theirs.

Its all just a different pace, and one is no more beautiful then the other. God is in it all. Yet, the simplicity and the the ability to be unhindered by the world is just that... two worlds away. I miss that. Terribly.

I am not sure why I write this, yet I feel it is just needed as we continue to walk this walk the Lord has us on. We need your prayers as we are clearly entering a new phase of our Ministry.

This trip has become a stepping stone into a new level of where God is taking us. We sense that it is just the beginning for us. We have desired greatly to go down as a family for an extended period of time, yet we are waiting for doors to open up with Randy's job to do so.

I am so grateful for all that happened on this last trip as we are feeling very established in our Ministry in many areas.  God have your way in us in this New Year!

Overview of our trip in next post... to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. Mary Beth, this is a beautiful expression of your heart. I nodded along to every word as I struggle with the very same tension every time I return as well. Love to you as you find your balance. (And I'd love to find a time for coffee!)
