
New Years Post

It's been almost a month now that I have been back. It is always interesting to go to Ethiopia every November and come home for the rush of the Holidays. It's like a new world every time I come back. I find myself sitting back at Christmas concerts and watching people shop while my world seems to  stand still in a peaceful state and in a different awe and wonder.

 I am always learning to balance this all, a fast growing ministry that is so close and dear to my heart with having a busy family of 7. I think I feel fortunate to be able to keep the unimportant things at a halt and still usher in the Joy of what Life/Christmas is.... simple... Jesus. Because after walking in the goodness and fulfillment of His promises, perspectives are just different. Seeing the lives of those who live in a constant state of need, keeps life real for me. We have no idea. It keeps me desiring what is real and not looking at life through the eyes of others but through His eyes.

I have to be honest here. Living life and raising kids in America for me if far harder then it would be for me to on the field. Going back and forth and having my heart torn every time. It makes me feel displaced here or there.

This all comes with a holding back for me, my heart sits at bay and I have the familiar ache that if I let it, it will go array very quickly.

Now that Christmas is over and I was able to spend the much needed time with my family. I am now diving back into the fast moving hand of Gods work in Ethiopia. This is where my heart can't hold back much longer.

Now for the next 9 months instead of holding ones face in my hands, I sit behind a computer and communicate to those I love and adore from across the globe.  Instead of sitting and listening to the children sing and dance I wait eagerly for an e-mail to update me or a picture to appease my longing. Instead of waking up eagerly expecting what God will do in an unplanned day, I rush off to the next scheduled activity or drive my sweet kids to theirs.

Its all just a different pace, and one is no more beautiful then the other. God is in it all. Yet, the simplicity and the the ability to be unhindered by the world is just that... two worlds away. I miss that. Terribly.

I am not sure why I write this, yet I feel it is just needed as we continue to walk this walk the Lord has us on. We need your prayers as we are clearly entering a new phase of our Ministry.

This trip has become a stepping stone into a new level of where God is taking us. We sense that it is just the beginning for us. We have desired greatly to go down as a family for an extended period of time, yet we are waiting for doors to open up with Randy's job to do so.

I am so grateful for all that happened on this last trip as we are feeling very established in our Ministry in many areas.  God have your way in us in this New Year!

Overview of our trip in next post... to come soon!


Women's Conference

I’m writing this post as a first time visitor to Ethiopia, a member of Impact Team 2013. I’m honored and humbled to share with you reflections on the Women’s Conference that we just completed.

One woman sharing her testimony
God is amazing in this place! Marybeth greeted 80 beautiful women with opening reflections. Her overwhelming initial impression was the joy and light that is evident in them. A year ago when these same women came to conference their faces were cold, their spirits low, they were recovering from a painful past. They were learning who Jesus is and searching to believe they were worthy of His truth.

Jesus transforms. The women have embraced and accepted Christ and they radiate His light, His love. Glorious redeemer, wonderful savior. Women came forward to share their testimonies; one of them acknowledged, “our faces have changed because we changed on the inside. It’s because of our prayers.” Amen, my sister – amen.  

The Holy Spirit was powerful and present in the small space where the conference was held – I could literally feel the energy in the room. We opened each of the sessions with worship. The songs of their native language are energetic and compassionate. It’s amazing to join together and honor God through music -- united in praise and faith.  One body in Christ. 

God has led the framework for the four conferences to be consistent in purpose and message. The women know and accept that they are blessed and called to faith. It’s their time and purpose to now bless others. They’re ready to own this faith in a bigger way to live it, to walk in it, to be the hands and feet of Christ to other people. To keep building their community but even more so, to keep building His Kingdom. 

The women listened to messages on how to hear God’s voice, how to receive the words and guidance of His Spirit, how to discern their purpose in God’s plan. They completed activities together: they blessed each other with prayer, they used pictures and prayer to receive and share words of validation for other women.

At the risk of over-using the word ‘powerful’, here I go again….  We ended the first day with a fire tunnel. God’s empowering presence for every person. As each woman passed through the tunnel we touched her, giving her prayerful words of affirmation – a sharing of Spirit. And the tunnel grew as the Ethiopian women added on to the end. Then it was our turn to pass through. Wow. I was so filled, honored, humbled and blessed by these women. Beautiful women of God, sharing of themselves and building us up in His love. It’s so true – we always receive far more than we can ever give…..

The Fire Tunnel
There are so many God stories here. I’m amazed at the big picture and the changes He is making in Hosanna. Following the women’s conference, what touched my heart greatly was how God is also present in the details. Countless, amazing details throughout the many stories of our experiences with His people. I can best summarize them by saying that I am changed. These beautiful women offer heartfelt prayers for basic things that we take for granted. They have remained steadfast in their love for Christ and committed to a life of faith despite challenging circumstances and a painful past. They trust God. They love Jesus. They need and believe in Him as their Lord and strong provider. They walk in faith. They continue to seek Him passionately.   
We ended both days in one large circle in the courtyard, holding hands and praying together.  Praising and thanking God for His plan in our lives, in this community, in His Kingdom. Asking for the strength that comes through people of His church on the other side of the world lifting us up in prayer. And as we shared Christ’s love together – it’s evident that faith transcends languages, cultures, and geographies. 

All Glory is His!!!

~ Jodi


A big and beautiful day! (Prison Visit)

 Again God comes and shines brighter then ever. A day none of us will ever forget. His great Grace changes, His love fills, and all are changed. 

It was our second day with the children here in Hosanna. There is so much change in all the kids since I was there last year. Kids are shining... really shining. Healthy, happy, growing, and knowing who Jesus is. What a blessing to see how much sponsoring a child can really change a life. It's not only the change we see, it's the thanks we here form the kids. The impact is not only for the kids it is changing a  community. 

It was a sweet few days sharing with them about walking in a deeper knowledge of who they are, how to spend time with God,  how to walk with Jesus and how to usher in the Holy Spirit. Our worship time with them is so precious. They danced and sang in their native tongue in a way that we could all tell they really believed and felt what they were singing. It is becoming a part of who they are and they have come alive in this knowledge.

It always a beautiful thing to me to watch the team members meet their sponsored child for the first time... it always has us all in tears. The children just soak up every minute they have with their sponsor with I love you's, hugs and and deep thank you's.

After being with the kids we were able to spend time With Solomon and Fantu the Husband and wife who are in charge of the Women's program. It was an emotional time sitting in their living room as they spoke of how much has changed in the lives of the women and children in the last couple of years. It was a treasured time. Solomon is also going to Seminary as Hosanna! Church has supported him to do so.

I wish I could put into words correctly what happened today as 6 of us women went into the women's prison. The other 5 women on our team stayed back to Intercede on our behalf as we did not know what to expect or have anything planned just knew God had opened the door for us to go into the prison once again.

I had been told that  there were about 30 women in the prison. We had brought 30 blankets plus many other children's blankets for the children that live with their mothers in prison.

After going through questioning, we were told we could spend about 10-15 minutes with the women and only pass out the blankets if we had enough for all 52 of the women. This was far more women then I thought but we had other small baby blankets, so even though I did not know how many we had I said,  "We have enough." I said this not knowing at all how many blankets we really did have, but knowing I only planned on about 30. But the knowledge and confidence I had in knowing God wanted us in that prison was more real to me then the amount of blankets we did not have. At this point I just knew that this was His deal and not mine to question. Therefore I said, "We have enough."

The women and their little ones were all sitting in the small chapel on the floor, waiting for us. We walked in and my heart leaped within me. The Spirit inside of this place was full of anticipation for what the Lord had planned for this very day.  The team and I proceeded up front and I introduced myself and the team. I began to explain that they have been deep in my prayers and on my heart knowing Jesus wanted them to hear these very words. "He loves them so dearly, and knows them so intimately and knows their hearts cry. He sees every tear that falls and will never leave them. That we also have come to let them know we care, and we want to bring them life and hope in what seems to be hopeless situations.

I then asked if anyone wanted prayer to come up. 90 % of the women came up for prayer. As we all laid hands on them they all began to weep a cry of deep grief. Talk about heart wrenching. So much pain. There was not a dry eye in the room.

 The Pastor of the Hope Chest Care Point Abinet started to sing a worship song. It was the most beautiful song I have every heard. They began to sing their song in their sobs. Crying out to Him, their only hope, the one who loves. I will never forget stopping and looking at them as they deeply sobbed, and thinking, "Wow, that is so beautiful... God you are bringing healing to them." Then just as sweet as their healing cries the same song turned a tune to joy and dancing.

 I am sure you can imagine all of this so far took well longer then 10-15 minutes they alloted us. There was a change happening and it is evident that the guards were thankful.

We then had all of the women step out of the room as the guards wanted us to count the blankets to see if we did indeed have enough. We began sorting all the blankets and counted how many we had. SERIOUSLY... we had just enough for all of them, not one less, not one more!!!!!  What a confirmation that God orchestrated every detail, showed His love and Faithfulness.  We were crazy amazed.

We passed them all out one by one. Embracing each women with hugs and kisses and a whisper... "You are loved."

All but one.

Their was some talk among the guards as we waited patiently to see who the last one was for. They turned to me to say that there is one more women, they had to go get her because she was in solitary confinement. Since she was very dangerous, they dismissed the other women back to their rooms.
 She was serving a life sentence for killing a child of her neighbor who she was angry at, disposing of the body in the river. She threatened continully the lives of all the inmates and prison guards.

She walked in. The guards said you need to pray for her. She had a hardness you do not see often. Head down, no eye contact. I grasped her broken, mistreated face into my hands. I looked into her eyes, and asked her to look into mine. Nothing.

As I continued to hold her face, I prayed, and spoke truth over her life speaking against all that was not meant to be her, to be gone. I spoke into her that this is not who she was created to be and that satan had stolen so much from her. I was claiming it all back for her. God was present. It took sometime for her to respond, but you could tell that as the truth was being spoken over her something was happening.

The team behind be softly began to sing the song Hallelujah, which brought such a deeper sense of His spirit in the room. Her glassed over eyes became soft and she began to look into my eyes, understanding and agreeing with everything I said.

 Our Ministry Partner who was translating for me, Nebiyu was talking to her and proclaiming again to her what was being spoken.  Suddenly she dropped to her knees, and asked to accept Jesus. I think my heart stopped at this point. Oh this is what I feel and know I was created for to hear those words of one who is lost come to the realization of their need for Him. She repeated every sweet word of my prayer as if she believed it with her whole heart, as she wept.

 Her cold, hardened, lost face was transformed like no other I have ever seen. NOTHING in this world will EVER compare to moments like these. She stood up and wrapped her arms around me and we were sisters in Christ. It is amazing the love that God can give you for another.. a tiny glimpse of His.

She hugged and embraced our whole team and walked out a changed women. The one she was created to be.

The guards were so excited, amazed and thankful. It had been at least 45 minutes, yet they never questioned us about the time.

As she walked out I took off my bracelet and gave it to her and told her to remember this day.  I later went back and bought the very same bracelet and wear it everyday. Yes, to remember and pray for this women I dearly love. But it also represents to me what God can do and will do if you walk in the knowledge that He can and will do the impossible and unthinkable if we do not put ourselves in a box. We are limitless to this world when we walk with God. We can walk with a confidence and a faith that makes time stand still, blankets multiply, the broken heart mended and a lost soul freed.

 We literally walked in that place not having a plan, not knowing what to expect, but asked the Lord to have His way... I think He did.


Here we go!

Another year has gone by since I was in Ethiopia last. Many days and hours of preparation for what will lay ahead on yet another trip. To be honest... many tears and sleepless nights, and an aching heart all join with the very same heart that is full, so very full.

 Each time I go so much has has happened, many new steps have been taken and progress made. Bonds with the many churches are being formed, Women are stronger, Children learning and knowing Jesus, wells are being dug, new churches formed, and many new baptized in Jesus!

                        Love from across the globe... it changes lives.

My heart is leaping again as I lay all my own pretenses aside and wait upon the Lord. I know better now after so many trips to not expect what I think will happen, but to be expectant of much bigger.

This trip will yet again be, life changing, life altering... for us and those Jesus encounters. Yet this time seems, well unique. I am excited. I am nervous. I am all in!

A new Team of 11 women. They too are nervous, excited and probably a bit scared too. God is guiding. 
A Children's program... a Women's Retreat... a Pastors Conference... an open Campaign to the whole community and a prison visit! Wow... are we all over the place?

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD.

"For as the are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.…

I am so at peace as we walk into a Grand adventure as He is orchestrating every step and every detail. When I think of the magnitude of what God is doing in this town of Ethiopia and to think of all He has entrusted me with, it could make me crazy. But these very words of the Lords hold so true in my heart as I have tasted and seen, and tested the waters of my self verses, Him in me. He guides our every step. It's such a beautiful knowledge and a very different existence then we naturally care for. Giving it all up, laying it all down, giving up control... surrendering.

Here we go!

November 14th Leave Minneapolis Arrive airport at 11:30 departure time is 1;30
Friday 15th Arrive Addis Ababa
Saturday 16th  Visit Steadfast Love
Sunday 17th   Attend Wedding
Monday 18th   Leave Hosanna
                 Sponsored Children 
                 Prison Ministry
Tuesday 19th   Sponsored Children -morning
                  Women’s Conference-afternoon
                  Visit Mekonan and Abibech
Thursday 21st  Women’s Conference  
                Sponsored Children 
Friday 22nd Leadership Conference 
Saturday 23rd   Leadership Conference-morning
Sunday 24th Campaign 
Monday 25th  Leave Hosanna, for Airport
Tuesday 26th Team Arrives home Marybeth stays in Hosanna to work with women and children.
Dec. 1st Marybeth leaves Hosanna! Flies to Germany to visit Anna and David Mansfield and family.
Dec. 4th Marybeth Arrives home.
                                         PLEASE BE IN PRAYER  


A note to our Sponsors!

I want to give a big thanks and a shout out to all our sponsored families. I have been so blessed by your e-mails asking if you could send a package again this year or that you were worried that you missed it. I am so honored and blessed by all of you who are truly loving these children.

What sweetness God has in store for the kids this year. First of all I wanted to let you know that possibly as we are in Hosanna or very soon after we are going to break ground on building our first well right outside the children's complex. WOW!! This is huge. God has blessed us to be able to do this and can not than Hosanna Church enough for their support and generosity towards this project. This will be the first of 5 wells we will be build. 2 more will go in next year and 2 the following. Praising God for His Provision for these kids and the surrounding community. 

Here is what we will be bringing and why we did  not need packages this year. We have had several organizations donate to all the kids. We just received 300 of the most adorable puppets handmade by ladies part of an non-profit organization called Puppets for Orphans. They handmade and prayed over each one. How precious. 

We also received crosses donated for the kids that were right from Olive Trees made in Israel. :)

The other item the kids will receive is a bracelet with the Amharic inscription saying. "I am blessed... I am a blessing." This will be the over all theme of our message to the kids. God loves you and has blessed us to go and be a blessing for those who need His love and blessing too.