
Prayer Request and Vision for upcoming Trip!!


This year has been a big year of growth in our Ministry in many ways, and we are so excited to see things opening up and developing in all of the 5 focus areas in Hosanna, Ethiopia.

A very special focus of ours is on our precious sponsored children. This is the third time we've had a Team go and interact with the children, most of whom are sponsor families. We have a team of 5 deep in preparation for their trip to work with the 300 children. They will be gone November 1st-10th. 

This time they will bring Bibles to the children in their Amharic Language. They will then focus on the importance of the Word, reading the Word, spending time in the Word and sharing the Word. 

Please pray for Debbie Erickson as she leads her first Team. The team members names are Bruce, Sue, Dana and Cole. (yes that's my boy) :) Pray for the rest of their preparation time, their families, and God's leading in all they do and encounter. 

I'll be traveling with the team but somewhat separate. I will of course spend time with the kids, and will also be ministering in the other focus areas. I have asked a dear friend and former Hosanna Staff member and Missionary to Germany, Anna Mansfield, to meet me in Ethiopia from her home in Germany. It will be wonderful having a Ministry Partner and Intercessor with me as we pursue some of the exciting possibilities that are beginning to be placed before us as things grow.

I have to mention that Anna will be coming from Malawi with Cheryl Stearns prior to meeting me in Ethiopia. It was about 4 years ago that God brought the three of us together to go to Malawi, and we shared a room together (along with the Elephants in the shower!!) It was a time that God was revealing to all three of us things about His plan for each one of us and we knew that God was about to open the flood gates! I love how God's plans continue to blow us away, and seeing where He has led us since that beautiful time with Him in a hut in the National Game Park! The three of us are all over the globe, yet intertwined in friendship and even in Ministry! Fun Stuff God!

Things to pray for:

1. We are visiting during an exciting time in Hosanna, as our selected 15 women from our group of 80 have just begun their Training. They are the first 15 to go through a year-long training with Women at Risk. They're learning how to weave scarves, and beginning a rehabilitation process of who they are in Christ and growing in a new knowledge of their great purpose in Jesus. This will be a sweet time of dedication, celebration, and encouragement to the entire group of 80 women.

2. We will again spend time with the 52 women in the prison. Last year's visit proved to be some of the most powerful experiences with the Lord as we watched transformation from darkness to light in dramatic ways. We expect this time to be nothing less, and are excited to build relationships and trust with these women who are so desperate and lonely. 

3. I will speak to the Pastors in the Seminary and feel I have specific words for them. Please pray for this time as they really go through a lot of sacrifice going through Seminary. It is through their love and passion for Jesus and spreading His name that they persevere. This is a ripe and powerful group of men and women ready to go and be. Please pray that the Lord has His way as I speak. Many of these Pastors Hosanna! Church has sponsored through school, so this is a beautiful relationship we have with these Pastors. As we partner together with them, this is helping to spread the Word and start Churches. 

4. I am meeting with key leaders who have recently been brought to my attention. I wish I could tell you the whole story, but like everything that God has done in the ministry in the last 5 years... another God connection, another piece to the puzzle. We knew this piece was there from the start, a word of bringing this Community Kingdom Model to other Communities. His timing is just perfect. WOW! Excited to say the least... I can't even seem to sit down much, as I can't contain my excitement!  

5. Please also pray for my time with the Mayor and Governor as we discuss future plans for the acreage given to us for building a Life Center. This Life Center will be a multifaceted facility that will bring all areas of our ministry together as well as the different churches we are working with. This will aid the children as a school, the Women as an extension of our Training Center, as a Discipleship Training Center for the Leaders, Pastors and Children who age out of the Sponsorship Program. 

Thank you all for your love, support, involvement, prayers and sponsorship! What a joy it is to see God's plan unfold and people working together to fulfill God's heart to those He loves. 

In His Beautiful Name,
Marybeth Rolfe

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