
Overview of 2014 Team Trip to Hosanna.

I apologize it has taken me this long to post on the blog. I was anticipating having more time to blog, and as you read you will see our trip was full. I hope to do justice to the Greatness of God in a summery of our trip. Impossible to do so, but I will try.

As always I am so grateful for the presence of a team and what they bring to the children. It was a smaller team just 5 of them, but they accomplished much and brought the love of all of the sponsored families with them.

It is such a joy to watch new eyes see the bigness of God at work in the lives of these Children as well as what He is doing in the community as a whole. Sometimes hard to grasp and also explain to many who have not experienced it.

The Team was able to play and interact with the children much more then before, this was fun and we got to know the kids on a new level this year. Its precious when one gets to see and meet their Sponsored family for the first time. The connection this brings for all the kids weather they get to see their own family is so impactful for all.

It means there is really someone that is praying for them, someone thinking of them and is actively making it possible for them to have a life that is changed and who brings hope to their precious thoughts and ease to loved ones that too are impacted.

 It was precious seeing the kids each receive their Bibles. So exciting to know they now all have a Bible... what better could we bring to these babes then the Word of God and the knowledge of the importance of it and how they fit in that beautiful story. 
The Team brought the message of the importance of the the word to the children with stories, songs, and crafts. The kids in return love to share what they have learned and seem to be opening up more and more as they grow and learn about who they are. It has been personally fun watching their comfortableness with the team and that they are now confident we are walking beside them, and are "doing life together" You can tell, they feel it more every time a team comes and represents you, our Sponsored Families as well as Jesus the one who has made this all so possible. 
Having teams come to the children has been a sweet part of the ministry we are doing in Hosanna! It effects all the areas we are working in and brings all of the ministries together. It is so fun to see the Pastors at the Seminary come to help the kids out, the Women in the Training Center love on and help the children, The Mayor is always telling us thank you for what we are doing with the kids. It's powerful and so a part of Gods amazing plan here in Hosanna! 

To keep this all in perspective please know what you are doing is so much bigger then just child Sponsorship. God is changing a community in a very big and dramatic way. I have to say I am personally so honored to be a a part of what God is doing. Its sometimes overwhelming as He continues to reveal the vision of what He is doing. This trip I was just that, extremely overwhlemed as God continues to reveal the future to us. It's bigger then we ever thought, yet it we always knew it was as God has laid these steps out only in His Greatness could.  

We  ask that you continue with us in prayer as we press in for the greater picture and the firm voice of the Lord in the next steps. We value your prayers and your partnership in this ministry. I will be posting  In the next few days the overview summery of what God is doing in the ministry as what He did on this trip regarding. 

For now I am grateful for this team for Debbie Erickson for leading it and for all God did in and through them. Please pray with me as they transition back home and process for themselves what good things the Lord has in store for them. I am also very grateful for each one of you our Sponsors, prayer supporters, family and friends. It takes us all to accomplish what is being done and what God did on this very trip. 

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